

what is ultimately the purpose of an online journal? do we just want to feel like we're part of some large public happening? i've spent the past 5 days keeping an offline journal. just a text file on my computer where i mark the time and date and make entries when i need it. i'm doing this because i feel it actually makes me feel better. it helps me get my emotions out in the open. sure i'm not airing it to everyone, but my 6th grade teacher put it well when she said "sometimes it just feels better to get it out." this doesn't make me feel 100% better. not even quite 50% better. but ya know what? at this point i'll take what i can get. so why am i making this post on my online journal? instead of just posting in my new offline journal? i don't know to be honest with you. does anyone even read this? i don't know. probably not, i haven't told anyone it exists. who knows?

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